Drawing Class - 12 weeks - $50
Fridays, 10-11 at Grace Lutheran Church
We will be practicing drawing figures, working on composition and creating pop art.
Assignments will be graded and hours of work will be counted so you can give your high schooler credit for art.
Drawing Figure $6
You may be asked to purchase additional supplies as we need them.
Possible supplies that may need to be purchased are mat board for presenting art, or illustration markers and marker paper etc. . . Supplies will be purchased based off of needs for our projects and communicated with parents.
January 10, 17, 24, 31
February 14, 21, 28,
No class on the 7th due to State Home School Convention.
I hope to have the students submit a piece of art to the art show at the convention. Finishing supplies may need to be purchased if we are able to participate.
March 7, 14, 21, 28
April 4
Make up day if needed on the 11th.
Class will be able to earn 1/4 to 1/2 credit depending on time spent outside of class. Homework will be assigned. Grades will be given for work done.
To register, please contact Michelle. arndtaandm@yahoo.com
Taught by Michelle Arndt.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Students under 10-years-old must have a parent/adult caregiver on-site during class.
Students 10-years-old and older, if dropped off, must be picked up promptly after class and parent must be able to be contacted during class.
Parents and siblings are welcome to hang-out during class and there will be a Moms-and-Tots area, a Lego/games area, a moms area and potentially a study hall area.
All fees are paid directly to the teacher according to their terms. THEA does not collect any money.
All parents -- whether staying or dropping off -- must sign a waiver which will be emailed to them before Sept 13.
Any cancellations or refunds or waitlists are handled with the teacher. Please contact them directly.