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About Tricity Home Educators Association

Tricity Home Educators Association (THEA) is a support group providing activities, resources and support for homeschool families in Bismarck, Lincoln, Mandan and surrounding communities of North Dakota.


Our goal is to provide a community of support for families who have chosen to homeschool their children. We believe that every family has unique needs and we strive to provide a variety of resources and activities to meet those needs.


Whether you are new to homeschooling or a seasoned veteran, we welcome you to join our community and enjoy the benefits of being part of a supportive group of homeschooling families.

We offer social events and activities, clubs and classes, field trips, meet-ups, a homeschool curriculum library, teen banquet, graduation, access to the school district teachers' library, HSLDA discount, Schoolhouse Teachers Discount, support and encouragement for homeschooling parents as well as state and local homeschooling news.

Statement of Faith

Organization Policies

Homeschooling Definition

Members Library & Teachers' Library Policies

To participate in membership or in a THEA-sponsored activity, you need not agree with these statements, but you need to understand that this is the basis from which the THEA committee will work. To be a member of the Board must agree to and abide by this Statement of Faith. All THEA-sponsored activities are filtered through this Statement of Faith. We believe:  The Bible as the complete, inspired, inerrant Word of God  One God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit  The vicarious death of Jesus Christ for our sins, His virgin birth, His bodily resurrection, and His personal return  The necessity of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the work of regeneration and the building of the body of Christ  The power of prayer  The sanctity of life and each child as a gift from God  The family, one male and one female parent with one or more children, related by the institution of marriage, is the basic governmental, social, and spiritual entity created by God and recognize the exception of single parenthood or guardianship  That God creates each person as male or female and that an individual's gender corresponds with his or her God-given biological gender These truths are foundational to our purpose. However, no particular religious affiliation is required for membership in the THEA, nor is any religious affiliation implied by membership.

Purpose The purpose of THEA is to provide resources, support, and encouragement for home educators and their families; to sponsor activities in keeping with common Christian values in an atmosphere of mutual service and respect; and to relay information pertaining to home education. Organization Romans 14:19 NIV Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Board members must agree to the THEA Statement of Faith. All THEA-sponsored activities and events must be attended by at least one board member, unless a unanimous vote of the board determines otherwise. The Board is responsible for: 1. Setting policy necessary to maintain the orderly and effective function of the organization and to maintain credibility in the community. 2. Setting a budget based on membership. 3. Coordinating various responsibilities and activities for the THEA group. The Board of Directors selects its own members as vacancies occur or as the responsibilities of the group increase according to the bylaws. Behavioral Expectations THEA seeks to nurture the character of the children within the association and to represent Christian values to others. Colossians 4:5-6 NIV state: “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity, let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Consequently, both parents and children should respect the following standards while attending any THEA sanctioned event. If unwilling to do so, they may be asked to leave by the event coordinator or a member of the Board. Those participating in THEA activities are asked: 1. To respect their bodies by dressing modestly and appropriately (Cor.6:19-20) 2. To speak carefully, honoring the name and character of God by avoiding profane and disrespectful speech. (Eph. 4:29) 3. To act appropriately, practicing courtesy, integrity, and kindness, respecting property and people. (Eph. 4:2-3, 19, 29, 32) 4. To provide adult supervision for their children, as activity coordinators are not considered child supervisors. If the meeting is for adults only, and a child needs to accompany an adult, the child must sit quietly with the adult. Membership Membership in THEA is open to area home educators who understand the aims and expectations of the organization. THEA is a Christian organization with a Statement of Faith. However, no particular religious affiliation is required for membership in the THEA, nor is any religious affiliation implied by membership. To be a THEA membership participant or to partake in a THEA-sponsored activity, agreement with the Statement of Faith is not required, however an understanding that the Statement is the basis from which the THEA Board works is expected. The annual membership fee helps cover the cost of the publications, classes, and events. These costs include expenses for speakers, facility fees and printing. Some activities, events, and classes will have additional fees. There are three levels of membership to include: Resource Access, Community Support and Veteran Network. Public school superintendents, legislatures, and THEA do not recognize virtual charter schools, distance learning and other public school-at-home programs as homeschooling. Homeschooling does not include distance learning or public/private school at home as those students are enrolled in a district school or a private school. To qualify as a homeschooling family, the requirements of ND Century Code Chapter 15.1-23-01 must be met. If there are questions about the law and what does and does not constitute homeschooling, please email An Overview of THEA Framework and Policies The Board evaluates the framework and policies annually, appealing to the Lord for His direction and wisdom. The general framework may change and policies be added or improved as needs in the group warrant. Members are encouraged to give input as desired at any time. I. Membership A. Engaged in home education as defined above; B. Payment of annual dues; C. Membership year if August 1 – July 31. II. Leadership A. Requirements of Leadership: A.1. Personal recommendation by current or past leadership; A.2. Has been an active member of THEA Community Support for at least two (2) years; A.3. Professes faith in Jesus Christ and agrees to the Statement of Faith; A.4. Is actively engaged in homeschooling according to ND Law, or if a veteran, was doing so when homeschooling; A.5. Is appointed by present leadership team. B. Duties of Board Members B.1. Attend monthly leadership meetings and THEA events; B.2. Strive to maintain quality leadership, vision of the group and harmony among the leaders; B.3. Oversee the carrying out of the purpose statement; B.4. Oversee the functioning of the group; B.5. Organize activities and events displayed on the annual calendar. III. How the Group Functions A. Finances A.1. The annual dues Cover but are not limited to, administrative costs, group activities, access to library/media center, registration fees for activities, facility rent, special speakers, and purchase of library resources. A.2. Dues amounts and expenditures are set by the leadership team. B. Service Opportunities B.1. Members are encouraged to use their skills and talents to aid, encourage, and inspire others. B.1.a. Spreading the burden prevents a few from carrying the entire load. B.1.b. “If members don’t do it, it doesn’t get done.” B.2. Those interested in helping may contact the Board. Possibilities include: B.2.a. Teen activities B.2.b. Group classes including PE B.2.c. Family activities B.2.d. Preschool/Early elementary activities B.2.e. Field trip planning C. Teen and Young Adult Activities C.1. Taquitos – Activities for tweens open to THEA members ages 10-12. C.2. TACOS – Teen Activities & Community Outreach Senate – Activities and events open to THEA members ages 13 – high school senior. C.3. Bravos – Activities for homeschool graduates open to THEA members ages 18-25. D. Field Trips D.1. Field trips are initiated and planned by volunteer parents and are filtered through the Board. D.2. The number of people allowed at each field trip is determined by the field trip sponsor location. D.3. If needed, there will be an attempt to plan more than one field trip to the same location, but that cannot be guaranteed. D.4. Adults are responsible for their children during field trips. D.5. Respect any age restrictions for the field trip. D.6. It is important that field trip participants come to the event on time. THEA members are there at the invitation of the field trip sponsor location. D.7. If unable to attend, advise the field trip coordinator. There may be a waiting list with others wishing attend. D.8. Field trips are for THEA members only. D.9. Be respectful of any rules regarding the field trip. E. Communications E.1. Weekly updates are sent via email to Community Support members. E.2. The quarterly newsletter is only published to THEA members. F. State Organizations THEA networks with and supports the efforts of the North Dakota Homeschool Association, encouraging members to register with NDHSA. G. Legal Information G.1. Legal services are not provided by THEA. G.2. Membership in HSLDA is encouraged with a 15% discount to THEA members. Please contact THEA for the group number. G.3. Signed waivers are required by THEA Community Support Members and at some activities.

Public school superintendents, legislatures, and THEA do not recognize virtual charter schools, distance learning and other public school-at-home programs as homeschooling.  Homeschooling does not include distance learning or public/private school at home as those students are enrolled in a district school or a private school. To qualify as a homeschooling family, you need to meet the requirements of ND Century Code Chapter 15.1-23-01. If you have questions about the law and what constitutes homeschooling and what does not, please email

THEA operates a homeschool library open to both Resource Access (RA) and Community Support (CS) members. A membership card is required to check-out items. Some items like microscopes, VR headset and manipulatives require a deposit. THEA purchases a membership for its RA & CS members to use the Bismarck Public School District Library Media Center at the Hughes Building on North Washington Street. To use the Center for copying or laminating, or to borrow any materials, THEA members need to present their current membership card to the librarian. The card can be downloaded and printed from the members’ site. The Center has the right to refuse services if you do not present your card.

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