Statement of Faith
We believe:
ï‚· The Bible as the complete, inspired, inerrant Word of God
ï‚· One God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
ï‚· The vicarious death of Jesus Christ for our sins, His virgin birth, His bodily resurrection,
and His personal return
ï‚· The necessity of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the work of regeneration and
the building of the body of Christ
ï‚· The power of prayer
ï‚· The sanctity of life and each child as a gift from God
ï‚· The family, one male and one female parent with one or more children, related by the
institution of marriage, is the basic governmental, social, and spiritual entity created by
God and recognize the exception of single parenthood or guardianship
ï‚· That God creates each person as male or female and that an individual's gender
corresponds with his or her God-given biological gender
These truths are foundational to our purpose. However, no particular religious affiliation
is required for membership in the THEA, nor is any religious affiliation implied by membership.
To participate in membership or in a THEA-sponsored activity, you need not agree with these
statements, but you need to understand that this is the basis from which the THEA committee will
To be a member of the Board must agree to and abide by this Statement of Faith.
All THEA-sponsored activities are filtered through this Statement of Faith.